Mastic Defined
Mastic is a self-leveling joint compound (Deck-o-Seal or Sika Flex) that helps prevent water damage. It is flexible and grout-like in appearance. It helps to prevent weed growth in the expansion joint.It is a necessary step in maintaining your pool and concrete joints.
Mastic Master Swimming Pool MasticFlat mastic and vertical mastic swimming pool caulking is between the coping and concrete pool deck. Mastic can also be used to seal expansion joints in the concrete decking, patios, driveways, sidewalks or any concrete joint. Unsightly plastic dividers can be removed and mastic put in its place.
Vertical mastic can be used on pools with cantilever decking. the joint between the waterline and the concrete decking can also be sealed with mastic. Commercial swimming pools need mastic maintenance to be in compliance with the local health department.
The mastic sealant can be a Deck-o-Seal product made for swimming pools or a Sika Flex product which comes in a variety of colors for custom concrete.
Sanded mastic with just the right touch can give the mastic a more natural and pleasing affect instead of a rubbery look.
Deck O Seal or Sika Flex
- Color Choices: Grey, Tan or Brown
- Sanded grout-like texture
- Pool joints at coping
- Pool joints between tile and cantilever decking - vertical mastic
- Plasti strips in concrete removed and replaced with mastic

Set Up Time
Note: Mastic takes approximately 12-24 hours to cure. Foot or animal traffic must be eliminated during this time. Keep irrigation and hose spraying off during the entire setup time.
Excess sand should be left on until the mastic is dry at which point it can be blown, swept or sprayed with water.